Image: The Sun
Andy Murray finally reached his goal. He bitterly lost many finals in recent years, but now his perseverance literally paid off. This great breakthrough happened after Murray hired a new coach, the tennis legend, Ivan Lendl, or Ivan the terrible, as he used to be called. The man with no smile finally succumed to showing a small portion of his front teeth while slightly shifting from side to side during the award ceremony which could have signified some satisfacion at having helped to bring this victory about.
Now about Andy: He is Yang Wood, born a Rabbit, the latter, one must admit, is quite apparent. A very sensitive, soft spoken person who requires extremely good conditions and lots of time to produce real results. Yang Wood at work (or sport) always look as if they are not getting anywhere, but gradually they are building their skills and experience and after many years we are able to see great results.
As with trees in nature, it takes 5-10 years for a young tree to bear fruit. Perfect conditions as quality soil, water, regular pruning and care are required to allow harvesting.
Trees are essential to us, as they provide us with oxygen, give us shade when it’s hot and make us feel peaceful. It is easy to forget this and we sometimes feel that Yang Wood people are useless as their contribution is not obvious. If you remove a Yang Wood from your office or work place you will soon realize that this person was actually essential.
Yang woods are silent workers needing their own peaceful territory, so they can put their roots down and become a powerful source of support.
The interesting thing is that Lendl is also Yang Wood, and a very strong one too, so he has a good understanding of what kind of conditions Andy needs to succeed. Lendl lacks fire which influence on his communication skills, so in public he might react bit stiff. Lendl additionally has strong Yin Earth Element, giving him stability which results in immense mental power, the very property Murray lacked.
Andy is lacking earth element therefore help from Lendl was essential. Through his training with him, Murray was able to acquire this important quality and with it the missing link to triumph.
Congratulations to both of them.
Andy Murray’s Element Analysis
Ivan Lend’s Element Analysis