Monthly Archives: February 2013

And Oscar goes to… Jennifer Lawrence

Posted on February 28, 2013, Posted in Entertainment, News
Jennifer Lawrence


Here is our second post on the 2013 Oscar winners. Check out the analysis for Daniel Day-Lewis which we did earlier.


In this post we are going to analyze Jennifer Lawrence’s chart. Jennifer won an Oscar for best female actress in the movie Silver Linings Playbook


Jennifer Lawrence is born in a Horse year on a Yang Water day. The day element represents her dominating personality trait. Her being born in the Monkey month makes her water stronger, as it is going into autumn. Therefore her Yang Water element is considered to be fairly strong.

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And Oscar goes to… Daniel Day-Lewis

Posted on February 25, 2013, Posted in Entertainment, News
Daniel Day-Lewis


So, the Oscars have been and gone and this year there is no clear favorite. All the main Oscars were distributed quite fairly between a few great movies, mainly Argo, Lincoln, Silver Linings, Les Miserables and Django Unchained.


We decided to have a look into chart of the two best actors and two best supporting actors this year, maybe there is something interesting. In this first post we will cover the best actor, Daniel Day-Lewis.


Daniel Day-Lewis is born in a Rooster year on a Yin Metal day. The day of birth is the most important therefore he is considered to be Yin Metal person. Yin Metal already on it’s own is an element which seeks publicity and thrives in the limelight. Considering him being born in a Rooster year, which is practically a pure Yin Metal sign, we can conclude that he is clearly a strong Yin Metal person.

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Welcoming Wood Tiger Month

Posted on February 11, 2013, Posted in News

Every Chinese year starts with the Tiger month which also represents the beginning of spring. The Tiger is known for its vibrant energy. It represents the time of the year when hibernation is coming to an end and spring is stirring.


The Tiger’s elements are mostly made up of Yang Wood but also contain some Yang Fire and Yang Earth. This particular month brings us additional Yang Wood on top of the Tiger energy, so we have so called Wood Tiger month, therefore we have an extremely strong wood dominance during this time.

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