World Cup player of the day – Luis Suarez

Posted on June 20, 2014

luis-suarezEngland lost their first match against Italy, but they were quite confident that in the next two matches, against Uruguay and Costa Rica, they would make it up by winning both matches and advance to the second round.


But they didn’t count on one thing, Luis Suarez.


Luis Suarez is a top scorer in english Premiership. However last month he was going through a difficult patch due to his injury and operation. He even had to miss a first match against Costa Rica, but luckily for Uruguay, he showed up for a second match and with two goals put England into a hopeless situation, with no chance now to advance to the second round.


Suarez is a Yin Water person, born in an Ox month, which represents the end of the Winter season. This is his chart:


Due to strong support from the winter season and additional metal element we can say that his Yin Water is very strong. In his particular case Suarez needs Yang Fire to warm up the chart, which is showing up in a big way in his yearly pillar, bringing the necessary balance to his chart.


Not to mention the current Horse year which brings even more fire, which  explains why he is having such an exceptionally good year. It seems also that his chart is benefiting from metal and water elements as well, keeping him strong and able to balance the fire.


The Earth element seems not be very good for him. Last month, while he had issues with injury, was a Yin Earth – Snake month. Yin Earth pollutes Yin Water, and in his case, disturbs the elemental flow in his chart. Luckily, that month is now behind and he seems to be in the right shape, just on time for the big show!

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