Tag Archives: miroslav klose

World Cup player of the day – Miroslav Klose

Posted on June 22, 2014, Posted in Sport

miroslav-kloseLast night we had a great game, between Germany and Ghana, very open, clearly both teams going for victory, but in the end both had to be satisfied with 2:2.


Miroslav Klose is chosen a player of the day for two reasons. First he saved Germany from losing this match, and second he scored his 15th goal in a World Cup tournaments altogether, equalizing himself with the great Ronaldo from Brazil.


This is his chart: http://www.turtleluck.com/life-analysis/?c=03d62033d4de3062f42a7d57c328263a8ecaa4f9


Miroslav Klose is a Yang Water person, born in a Horse month, which represents the middle of the Summer season. He has one of those special charts where the classic rule of balancing elements does not really work. He is a so called feeble Yang Water, he does not have any element in the chart which would support Yang Water, neither Metal nor additional Water, beside his main element.


In his case, the Yang Water element has to surrender completely to the Fire and Earth element and remain that way. This means that generally periods with Water and Metal elements are not very good for him. We could have seen that yesterday. We are currently in a Horse year and Horse month, this is an excellent period for Miroslav Klose and it’s a great pity and a waste that his coach is not aware of this, or probably not aware enough, using him only when he has no other choice. It was a big question whether Klose would have a chance to score his 15th goal, due to younger competition, but by end of the game Löw gave him a chance and he paid him back literally two minutes later, by scoring a goal. You could see clearly, if he had more time he would score more, he is still hungry, and this is a sign when good destiny kicks in.


Klose’s zodiac animals are double Horse and Tiger. They are very dynamic, giving him incredible power on the field.


The Warrior Profile is very strong in his chart, it gives him a killer instinct to score a goal, but he lacks the creativity profile which most of the players we checked before had. However he makes up for that with hard work.